What are the Consequences of Biodiversity Loss?

Mi nombre es Roberto Espinosa. Dispongo de varias páginas webs sobre temas que me gustan. Intento escribir artículos sobre ecología, medioambiente y energías renovables.
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The planet’s biodiversity is under threat and the main culprit is the one who, paradoxically, depends on it the most: human beings. Halting the loss of biodiversity, understood as the decrease or disappearance of the variety of living beings that inhabit the planet is one of the great challenges facing humanity. Below, we review the … Leer más

Consequences of Global Warming

Mi nombre es Roberto Espinosa. Dispongo de varias páginas webs sobre temas que me gustan. Intento escribir artículos sobre ecología, medioambiente y energías renovables.
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Unfortunately, the list of negative effects and consequences of global warming on planetary life is long, thanks to a reproachable behavior towards the preservation of the environment. The increase in the global temperature of the planet continues to increase dangerously, with an unusual melting of polar ice and other consequences derived from climate change that … Leer más

Destruction of the Ozone Layer

Mi nombre es Roberto Espinosa. Dispongo de varias páginas webs sobre temas que me gustan. Intento escribir artículos sobre ecología, medioambiente y energías renovables.
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What is the ozone layer? Why is the ozone layer important? Why is the ozone layer significant? This protective shield is vital to ensure the life of all living beings on the planet, which are vulnerable to the effect of exposure to these UV-B radiations. Because they affect the health of people, animals, and plants, … Leer más

Causes of Species Extinction

Mi nombre es Roberto Espinosa. Dispongo de varias páginas webs sobre temas que me gustan. Intento escribir artículos sobre ecología, medioambiente y energías renovables.
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What does it imply that a species can become extinct? The extinction of a species implies its definitive disappearance from the face of the Earth. When the last of its members dies, it becomes extinct, and there is no way to reverse the situation.  According to consensus, the scientific community worldwide estimates that around 2,970 million … Leer más


Mi nombre es Roberto Espinosa. Dispongo de varias páginas webs sobre temas que me gustan. Intento escribir artículos sobre ecología, medioambiente y energías renovables.
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What is an adiabatic system? Thermodynamics explains, in simple terms, that the adiabatic system functions as a fluid incapable of exchanging heat with its surroundings. In this sense, it is the opposite of an isothermal process, where the heat exchange is total, thus achieving a constant temperature. Although adiabatic is also reversible. When this occurs, … Leer más

What are Polar Waters?

Mi nombre es Roberto Espinosa. Dispongo de varias páginas webs sobre temas que me gustan. Intento escribir artículos sobre ecología, medioambiente y energías renovables.
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Polar regions are the areas of a planet or any star that surround the geographic poles. On Earth, the North Pole and the South Pole are the centers of these regions, which are dominated by ice sheets that make up the polar ice caps, resting respectively on the Arctic Ocean and the Antarctic continent. The … Leer más

10 Causes of Biodiversity Loss

Mi nombre es Roberto Espinosa. Dispongo de varias páginas webs sobre temas que me gustan. Intento escribir artículos sobre ecología, medioambiente y energías renovables.
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Biodiversity loss refers to the decrease or disappearance of biological diversity, understood as the variety of living beings that inhabit the planet, the different levels of biological organization -plants, animals, fungi, microorganisms, and their respective genetic variability- as well as the natural patterns present in ecosystems. The loss of biodiversity is so severe that it … Leer más